
Disclaimer: The contents of this website are mine personally and do not reflect any position of the U.S. government or the Peace Corps.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

From applicant to invitee

Today I was able to attend a RPCVCO (the RPCV organization in Colorado) brunch for invitees, nominees, and just about anyone else who was interested in Peace Corps.

I was able to learn a variety of new fun and interesting factoids to add to my gee whiz collection. The most notably of which being that as I'm left handed life is going to be rather interesting.
  • While I was always told that people used their left hands to wipe once finished with certain bodily functions, I had never correlated it to a real life possibility until today. While I don't plan on partaking in this particular facet of life, I will have to adjust certain habits I've made over the years. No more reaching for things at stores, waving, shaking hands, etc. with my left hand

  • Bug Hut! Not only is it fun to say and gives you an interesting childlike image of a house for bugs, but it is my supposed new best friend. An RPCV from Burkina Faso recommended I get one or suffer the curse of scorpion face stings for the next few years (Mosquito nets. . . they're not just for Mosquitoes anymore!). Though I might just bring my tent minus the rain cover to save $money$.
  • The Rotary Club is my 2nd newest best friend cause they give me money for stuff =D. Namely for any project that I need funding for whilst I'm overseas.

I also received some info from my country desk about what to do between now and staging. Study French, keep studying French, and oh yea. . . study more French. But in the meantime they also gave me links to connect with fellow volunteers in my group through facebook and Google groups, there are 64 of us in PSL 25 (our class number in Benin)!!!