
Disclaimer: The contents of this website are mine personally and do not reflect any position of the U.S. government or the Peace Corps.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

A Brief Repos

What The Heck Do I Actually Do Here?

Over the past few months I’ve written mostly of the humorous events and aspects of life in Goumori. However I wanted to take a quick time out (about 2 paragraphs) to explain what it is I actually do here. My day/week/month/yearly schedule is almost entirely up to me. In this way an EA (Environmental Action) volunteer can do next to nothing, or work a 120 hour workweek. It all depends on your motivation. For me, I like a healthy balance.

Up to this point I’ve been exploring and integrating into my new village and home. Sounds strange that it takes this long to do such a simple thing, but when all aspects of your life change . . . you find that you have to change with it.
I’ve just finished my first IST (In Service Training) in Parakou with most of the rest of my training class. It signifies the end of the ‘probationary period’. Now I am able to start larger projects, apply for grants, travel anywhere in the country for workdays and basically start doing some of the things I came here to do.

What does this mean to you? Simple; one day, not long from today, I’m gonna ask you for money. But be not afraid! I’m not going to try and guilt you into giving; No sad photos, depressing stories, or 1st world guilt tactics at all.
So how am I going to go about this without aggressive sale tactics? See for yourself. . .

Examples of possible project titles (to be accompanied by promotional art):
  • Imprison the Avian menace!!! (chicken coops for local women’s groups)
  • Everybody poops! But it’s better to do the deux in a hole. (latrine building project)
    • Alternate title, “For only 9 instantly consecutive payments of $12.37 you too can have you name memorialized in the freshly poured concrete of a genuinely authentic, millions of a kind, poop pit in exotic Africa! Order now and receive a picture of your personally stylistic outhouse ABSOLUTLY FREE*!!!”
      • *photo not available for 3 to 6 months after construction.
  • BEEEEEEEZZZZZZ!!!!!!! (Apiculture – bee hives. Look forward to photos of my swollen face)
  • Tree vs. baby – round 1 – Ding Ding! (Moringa planting and processing)
  • Pay per kilo (meter) – Bike tour to distribute mosquito nets for malaria

Lastly, I’m not going to ask for money for all of these projects (and maybe for none at all.) There are other grant sources, but I thought this could be fun, plus it’s a great way avoid taxes (write-offs!)


 Many people in village say there are chicken thieves in town . . . I have another theory . . .

 I know its a pretty short post this time, so I'll see what I can do to up the word count for the next one.

A la prochaine.


1 comment:

  1. Use any of the above mentioned hooklines and I'd donate for sure
